Vegetable juices that cleanse. Check out recipes for healthy, metabolism-boosting, immune-boosting vegetable juices

Glam Style
7 min readMay 14, 2022


Need a boost of energy? Opt for vegetable juices! It’s a good way to get lots of vitamins and nutrients into your body in an easier and tastier form. We have some great vegetable juice recipes for you!

Photo by Alisha Mishra:

Blenders, juicers and juicers for fruits and vegetables are the order of the day in our kitchens. Thanks to this, vegetable juices are becoming more and more popular and are within reach. We start the day with celery juice, and for afternoon tea we blend beet with other vegetables. Vegetable juices help people lose weight, others improve their health and immunity, and for yet others they are an indispensable part of meals. You can create any composition and enjoy the benefits of eating delicious combinations of vegetables. This is an excellent solution for children and those who are not fond of vegetables. With the right ingredients and proportions you can give a specific taste and color to the prepared juices.

Healthy vegetable juices — properties

According to the Food and Nutrition Institute vegetables are the basis of the pyramid of healthy nutrition, so every person, regardless of age, should have them in his or her menu. Several different vegetables should be consumed daily. Sometimes it is hard to do it, so a form of juice can be helpful. Vegetables do not lose their nutritional value after mechanical processing, so you do not have to worry that vegetable juices will not provide the same amount of valuable nutrients as in their classic form.

Here are the properties of healthy vegetable juices:

  • help in the fight against excess weight,
  • they speed up metabolism,
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system,
  • stabilize blood glucose levels,
  • remove heavy metals and toxins from the body,
  • increase immunity,
  • improve the quality and color of the complexion,
  • increase skin elasticity
  • are a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of the body,
  • prevent the formation of cancer cells,
  • help to fight hypertension,
  • are responsible for the proper work of the cardiovascular system.
Photo by Toni Cuenca:

How many calories do vegetable juices have?

Vegetable juices, like vegetables themselves, do not contain a large number of calories. The difference really lies in what is the base of the vegetable juice. If it is mineral water then the calorie count will be much lower than if it is natural yogurt. It is sometimes the case that you do not need to add anything to such a juice, because the vegetables from which it is made already in themselves contain a lot of water. This is the case with tomatoes and cucumbers, for example.

Below is a list of vegetables and their calories per 100 grams of each vegetable, from highest to lowest (kcal/100g):

  • black beans — 341
  • red bean — 337
  • white bean — 333
  • peas — 293
  • garlic — 149
  • soya bean sprouts — 118
  • sweetcorn (cob) — 86
  • green peas (pods) — 81
  • broad beans — 72
  • corn (canned) — 61
  • red beet, kale — 49
  • horseradish — 48
  • artichokes — 47
  • brussels sprouts, beet — 43
  • carrots — 41
  • onions, chard — 40
  • green beans, red cabbage, broccoli — 31
  • savoy cabbage, kohlrabi — 27
  • pumpkin — 26
  • eggplant, cauliflower, white cabbage — 25
  • alfalfa sprouts, chicory — 23
  • capers (a tablespoon) — 23
  • sauerkraut — 19
  • tomato — 18
  • chard — 17
  • zucchini, cucumber — 15
Photo by Alexander Mils:

Cleansing vegetable juices

Irregular sleep, stress, eating in a hurry, polluted air and food products containing a lot of preservatives and artificial “enhancers”. All this contributes to the accumulation of toxins in our body. What can be done to cleanse ourselves of them? One of the ways are juices from vegetables. Properly selected compositions will help eliminate the presence of toxins in our body. Here are recipes for natural antioxidant:

Green elixir


  • a head of lettuce,
  • 2 cups of spinach leaves.
  • 2 handfuls of celery leaves,
  • a bunch of parsley,

The method of preparation is very simple. Just wash all the ingredients and squeeze. Optionally, you can add a glass of water to make the juice more liquid. Finally, pour into a bowl and decorate with parsley leaves.

Energy boost


  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 bunch wheatgrass
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 5–6 carrots

Not only will it cleanse and refresh the body, it will also provide a good dose of iron. The beta carotene in carrots will add color to your skin, help keep your tan longer and protect your skin from UV rays.

Photo by Alexander Mils:

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Do you want to improve the appearance of your figure? Vegetable juices will definitely be able to help you. They will complement your diet in the right way and provide you with the right ingredients to make your body function well. When we want to lose weight and reduce the calorie content of our meals, we often feel hungry between them. It is good then to reach for a vegetable juice. It will not disturb our resolutions too much, and at the same time we will get a solid shot of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Vegetables support the processes of burning fat and lower the level of glucose in blood. Their liquid form is even better absorbed by the body and the nutrients contained in it start working faster. Below are 3 recipes that support the fight against excess weight:

Recipe 1

  • 4 tomatoes
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • handful of basil leaves

In addition to being low in calories, it is rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium which supports the proper functioning of all the muscles in the human body.

Recipe 2

  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 4 medium carrots
  • A bunch of spinach
  • A bunch of parsley
  • Tabasco

The amount of tabasco is up to you depending on how spicy you like your food. However, it is an important element of this juice, because it emphasizes flavor and raises body temperature, which heats up metabolism and processes responsible for burning fat.

Recipe 3

  • One beet
  • One stalk of celery
  • Ginger
  • Four carrots
  • One bunch of parsley
  • One small cucumber

This juice will improve the efficiency of the body, thanks to the properties of beet, it will have a positive effect on the work of the immune system thanks to ginger and in addition, thanks to carrots and natural pigments from the carotenoid group contained in them, it will give the skin a delicate tan.

Photo by Alexander Mils:

Vegetable juices from a juicer for diabetics

Vegetable juices are definitely more recommended for people with diabetes than those made from fruit. The reason is simple. Fruit contains a lot of fructose, which is simply sugar. Vegetable juices for diabetics are best made from vegetables with a low glycemic index such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, fresh corn, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, green peas, radishes, turnips, asparagus, raw carrots, and tomatoes. Vegetable juice suggestions for diabetics:

Recipe 1

  • 3 carrots,
  • half an onion,
  • 6 leaves of Chinese cabbage,
  • small cucumber,
  • 2 stalks of celery,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a pinch of pepper.

Recipe 2

  • 2 tomatoes,
  • 2 green apples,
  • 5 sprigs of watercress,
  • handful of parsley,
  • water (100 ml).
Photo by Charlotte May:

Fruit and vegetable juice for children — recipe

Parents want the best for their children. However, often unknowingly or simply by giving in to our kids, we act to their disadvantage. We buy them sweet juices and drinks, which usually do not have much in common with fruit and vitamins. Children are reluctant to eat vegetables, so we don’t force them, hoping that with time they will start to reach for them on their own. Unfortunately we do a great harm to them. In the process of development these little people need much more nutritional values, and this is what vegetables have.

Fortunately fruits, which are much tastier and also have many vitamins, can help us to encourage children to eat vegetables. Vegetable juices enriched with the right amount of fruit will make the cocktail tasty and often also affect its pleasant to the eye color of a young person. So a great way to “smuggle” vegetable values are fruit and vegetable juices.

Here is a recipe for such a vitamin bomb:

  • 2 handfuls of spinach,
  • 1 green cucumber,
  • 2 bananas ,
  • 10–12 strawberries,
  • water (200 ml).

Such a smoothie will provide a lot of desirable ingredients for the body and will give a lot of energy.

Regardless of what age we are, what we do and what we look like, in the menu of each of us should be on vegetables, and juices from them is a giving a lot of kitchen possibilities alternative.



Glam Style
Glam Style

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