Karma comes back. We explain the meaning of karma and hint at what human karma is.

Glam Style
7 min readJul 7, 2022


Karma is a concept that has already become a permanent part of most people’s vocabulary. This philosophy of life, which originated in the Far East, can make everyday life easier. What does the saying “karma comes back” mean? Does this phenomenon really exist? What is a person’s karma? We explain.

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What is karma?

“Karma comes back” is a phrase that can often be heard during conversations. This applies to both friendlier and less friendly conversations (who among us hasn’t come across malicious texts online like “Karma is a bitch!”). Thus, the phrase can have both positive and negative overtones. What is karma and why does it “come back”? Karma is a term, mainly present in Far Eastern religions and many philosophies, related to the spiritual life of man. The phrase describes a certain type of interaction in the universe. According to Buddhist and Hindu philosophy, karma is omnipresent and affects practically every person.

Karmic law is a set of principles guided by karma. It is worth learning about them, because implementing some of them into everyday life can bring many positive benefits. One of the most interesting karmic laws is the Law of Responsibility. It says that a person’s entire life is solely his creation, and the responsibility for how it will be shaped lies solely with him. This in a way obliges people to be good, because through these deeds their lives will be happy, peaceful and full of joy.

Learning about the Law of Change can also help you better understand the concept of “karma comes back.” It says that history will continue to come full circle until you change the action leading to a given reaction. For example, if you want a friend not to come to you for money, stop lending him or her money and demand the return of the cash you have borrowed so far.

A karmic law worth paying special attention to is the Law of the Present Moment. According to it, the only thing that matters is the here and now. The present is the most important, and it is on it that a person should focus the most attention. Focusing on the past can make you miss something positive and very important.

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Karma — meaning

“Karma comes back” is another way of putting it, that every action causes a certain reaction. According to karmic philosophy, every human being constantly interacts with other people. Whether these deeds are good or bad depends on what a person receives in return. Karma is very important, especially in the context of living in society and charity. Believing that good deeds will attract good karma makes people more willing to do them. It is a kind of investment to cash in on the income in the form of happiness, good fortune or professional success.

The stronger the belief in karma, the better people become in their daily lives. Also of great importance in karma is that the actions taken by a person should be selfless.

Expecting benefits in return for doing good is not in accordance with the principles of karma and will not bring anything positive in return.

It is also important to firmly believe in the meaning of the charitable actions taken. If a person takes action only to gain certain benefits, good karma will not come back to him.

What is a person’s karma?

“Karma comes back” is a term that applies directly to every human being. It means that every action and action taken by a person causes a certain reaction. It is the belief that both the bad and the good sent out into the world will sooner or later return to us in another form. A person’s karma is, in other words, an account of the good and bad deeds he has committed throughout his life. A person’s karma can be positive or negative, which affects him directly. It is the law of cause and effect, in which a person “reaps what he has sown.”

According to this philosophy, a person with bad karma will be unhappy and treated in a bad way by his immediate environment. He will also suffer from the various bad things that will happen to him. On the other hand, a person who does good things in his life and is kind to others has good karma, meaning he has a good heart. Such a person is happy and appreciated by those around him. He also encounters only good things as a result of his conduct.

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Does karma come back?

The phrase “karma comes back”, used in conversation with another person, can have both positive and negative overtones. Most often it means expressing confidence that a person will get what he or she deserves as a result of the law of cause and effect. However, does karma actually return? Much depends on how you view the concept of karma itself. If it is a philosophy that you follow every day, you may notice its interference in your life.

Most often, situations of great significance to your daily life are presented as proof that karma always returns. For example, if you win a large amount of money in a contest or meet a valuable person who changes your life, you may perceive these situations as good karma that has returned. The same is true for negative situations. If you receive a large fine to pay or break your favorite crockery, you may also perceive the effect of bad karma. The important thing, however, is that regardless of your philosophies and beliefs, you should try to do the right thing and learn to take matters into your own hands. A stroke of luck can help, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide how your life turns out.

What does “karma comes back” mean?

The term “karma comes back” can refer to situations in which positive or negative things happen without a specific cause. This means that they are not preceded by a direct act leading to them, but rather are the work of chance. The belief that karma returns is closely related to destiny and the philosophy that accompanies it. According to it, lucky or unlucky fate can intervene in a person’s life, directing him towards his true destiny.

One of the basic principles of karma is self-determination of one’s fate and the creation of one’s own history. Even if a person has committed bad deeds in the past, he or she can reverse his or her fate and equalize karma by doing good. This philosophy is based on the principle of atoning for evil through a corresponding amount of good.

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Does bad karma come back?

“Karma comes back” is the assumption that all the positive and negative deeds you do will come back to you in another form. The philosophy of karma assumes that the whole world is interconnected like a spider’s web, and no action is random. At the same time, a person is neither fully good nor fully bad, and his actions only tip the scales one way or the other.

What should be done to prevent bad karma from returning? The simplest thing, of course, would be not to harm other people and avoid bad behavior. However, the extremely complex, but above all flawed, nature of human nature makes it not always so simple. Another popular maxim, originating in the Far East, says that as long as you are alive, you can change everything. Guided by this principle, you can make amends to a person for a wrong done. The important thing is to offset the negative energy created by the harm through a good deed. It is also important that the person forgives you and no longer holds a grudge.

Does good karma come back?

The term “karma comes back” most often refers to bad deeds, when the other person demands justice and reparation for the wrongs done. However, the term can also refer to the positive aspects of this philosophy, that is, good returning to the person who previously sent it into the world. The law of cause and effect present in karma is another way of viewing the providence of a higher power and the justice it dispenses. Good karma is the reward for positive deeds and often the only gratitude the other person expects for them.

What can you do to ensure that good karma comes back to you? First and foremost, do good, in various forms and guises. Donating unwanted items to a charity collection, helping an elderly person or even supporting an unhappy friend with a conversation and a kind word are examples of simple, everyday acts that positively affect a person’s karma.



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