How to break up with a girlfriend? Here are some important rules to remember when ending a relationship.
The decision to end a relationship is never the easiest one. Are there any proven ways how to break up with a girl? Here are some important rules to remember when breaking up.
How do you break up with a girl? First of all, don’t say, “Hey, let’s stay friends.” Then women open a knife in the pocket. Also, do not try to comfort your partner after the breakup.
The end of a relationship — what to do, what to avoid?
Sometimes after another argument you say to yourself, “enough.” Other times you wake up in the morning and feel that you don’t want to be here anymore. Sometimes you meet someone and think, “This is the one”. The reasons why we decide to end a relationship vary, but it’s always important to know and understand them well. Consider if anything has happened that has negatively affected the quality of your relationship. When you decide to stay with your intention and break up with a woman, it is useful to know your own feelings and desires, and the reason for the encounter. Such an attitude will make you able to honestly explain to your partner the reason for the breakup and it will be easier for you to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
The question is whether to leave right away or give yourself time? It depends on your inner conviction. If you have already looked inside yourself and feel that nothing can change your decision — do not delay it. Staying in an abusive and hurtful relationship won’t help either party, and can only contribute to frustration that you unconsciously take out on your partner. Yes, it won’t be an easy conversation. The longer the relationship, the more memories and the more painful the break-up. You may also find that by deciding to break up with your partner, you’re merely completing a formality, deciding to do what you’ve both wanted for a long time. And that’s OK, too. It’s better to be alone than to be stuck in a bad relationship.
That’s the hard part now: how to say it? Communication about the breakup is very important. It’s important that it’s a straightforward message and as empathetic as possible. This is extremely important. “During a breakup, attendance is mandatory. In order to end a relationship in class, you have to go to the meeting in person. Breaking up in front of the internet, cell phone or a third party is unacceptable and shows the immaturity of your partner. You have made a manly decision that you want to break up with a woman, so you should prove your courage and propose to her a face-to-face meeting. This way you will show your ex-partner the respect she has earned by putting her time and commitment into your relationship,” the therapist firmly emphasizes.
How to break up with a girlfriend without hurting her?
We do not part with another person by organizing an unpleasant surprise for her. It is important to give space so that the partner can prepare. If your partner is madly in love with you and does not intuit that you want to end your relationship, such information can be a painful shock for her. Therefore, in order to break up with a woman and spare her from difficult experiences, you should send her a warning signal beforehand, announcing, for example, that “you need to have a serious talk with her”. And she hints that you can simply say yes: “honesty in a relationship is important and I tried very hard to feel something more, but unfortunately I can’t… and I want to be honest with you”. Such a statement, admittedly, will not be pleasant for your partner and will force her to think unpleasantly, but it will also reduce the shock of the breakup and the post-traumatic stress disorder that can occur during a breakup.
It is important to choose a good place. Ideally, it should be a neutral place that does not trigger memories of your happy past together. In order not to arouse misleading suspicions in your partner, it is better not to bring flowers or gifts. It is possible that to the news of the breakup, your partner will react with hysteria, anger, aggression or extreme apathy. To avoid an awkward situation (e.g. attempts to stop you by force, crying, screaming), make sure that the place you choose is not uncomfortable for either party. Be honest during the conversation, but not hurtful.
If you want to break up with a woman in a responsible way, you should be honest with her about the reasons for the break-up. Don’t use phrases like “I don’t deserve you” or “you’re too good for me” or “we’re not compatible anymore” — they don’t sound believable and leave a lot of room for fantasy. When breaking up with your partner, don’t bring up sensitive issues that could cause arguments between you (e.g. sex life). Do not put the responsibility on your partner — pay attention to what is on your side and what is on your partner’s side.
Do you keep in touch with your ex after the breakup?
And finally, an important question. Contact after the breakup. There is really one rule here and you better be consistent. A breakup means the end of contact, including and especially sexual contact. Since you have decided to make important changes in your life and break up with a woman, you should stick to this resolution until the end. Don’t call your ex-partner to ask how she’s doing — you’re raising false hopes in her this way and making her dependent on you. If she seeks contact herself, don’t hide, but try to be reserved in showing support, create distance, speak directly and be empathetic. Don’t comfort your ex with the famous words “we can be friends”.— Such declarations usually have little chance of coming true and are a false hope that things might change in the future.
Unfortunately, the only proven cure is time. For both parties. A breakup is always the end of something you had hoped for, but at the same time, the beginning of something bigger that can be a great development for you. Just having this difficult conversation with the class is already growing us. If we behave empathetically yet courageously and honestly during the farewell meeting, we will feel strong afterwards. And we will calmly move on in life.
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