A money spell that works. Effective spells that guarantee an influx of cash!

Glam Style
6 min readSep 14, 2022


Many people believe that a money spell is a quick and easy way to become rich and prosperous in life. Indeed, laws related to the use of the universe’s energy and manifestation maintain that there are ways to attract cash to yourself. How to cast a money spell? What are the popular “spell jars”?

Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

How to cast a money spell?

Can a money spell seriously work? Yes! Casting spells to attract wealth to us is based on the same principles as manifesting all other desires. We need to start with the right mindset (including setting our mind to positive vibrations, showing gratitude at every turn, focusing on good rather than bad events), and then implement techniques such as visualization and saying affirmations. Once you learn to work effectively with the vibration of your surroundings, using spells to attract money should not be a problem at all!

An effective spell for money

As I mentioned earlier, the easiest way to attract money to us will be through manifestation. First, we need to set our thinking to accept abundance, and start associating wealth with something strictly positive. We can help ourselves through breathing exercises, meditation, and saying aloud appropriate affirmations (which serve as “incantations”), at times when we receive money or spend it.

Photo by Jonaorle from Pexels

Spells to say when receiving money

In order to set our vibration to attract money, we need to focus on showing gratitude and joy every time we receive it (regardless of whether the influx of cash was unexpected or expected!). We should say the affirmations out loud, especially when the money is a gift from another person.

  • I am grateful for the money I received.
  • Thank you for your confidence, I will definitely make use of this money.
  • May the money come back to you multiplied.

Spells uttered when spending money

Just as in the case of receiving money, we can utter appropriate incantations to the universe at the time of spending money. Repeating this type of affirmation will make our vibrations start to transmit on the right waves, attracting abundance and wealth to us. Let’s not forget that affirmations should be spoken with faith, joy and commitment.

  • I am grateful that I am able to afford it.
  • Spending money has made me happy, and a surge of cash is on its way to me.
  • The spent money will come back to me multiplied.
Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

Money spell with a jar

Another way to attract money to yourself with the help of manifestations is to create special spell jars. They are a physical representation of the spells we cast. We must remember that each spell jar should be created with pure and good intention, so that its magic works best with the energy of the universe.

Cinnamon money spell in a jar


  • A glass jar with a lid or cap,
  • energy cleansing incense, such as white sage,
  • a few pieces of cinnamon bark,
  • dried chamomile,
  • peppermint,
  • bay leaf,
  • green aventurine,
  • green candle.


  1. Before you proceed to prepare the spell, set yourself to the right vibration, for example, with the help of exercises or meditation.
  2. Start by cleansing the energy in the jar, with the help of smelling it with white sage.
  3. One by one, start putting all the listed ingredients into the jar: cinnamon bark, dried chamomile, peppermint, bay leaf and one green aventurine. Remember to do this with good and specific intention. While doing so, you can repeat aloud affirmations to attract money.
  4. Once all the ingredients are in the jar, focus one last time on your intention, and then close it with a lid or cap.
  5. Light a green candle, and seal the jar’s closure with the help of wax.
  6. Keep the jar in a prominent place in your home and apartment, so that it will regularly remind you of the coming tide of wealth!

Crystal spell for money in a jar


  • A glass jar with a lid or cap,
  • energy cleansing incense, for example, with white sage,
  • jade,
  • green aventurine,
  • a leaf of coarse egg plant,
  • a piece of ginger root,
  • dried thyme,
  • a few seeds of any plant,
  • half a cup of rice or flour to combine all the ingredients,
  • a green candle,
  • a piece of paper and a pen.


  1. Before you proceed to prepare the spell, set yourself to the right vibration, for example, with the help of exercise or meditation.
  2. Start by cleansing the energy in the jar, with the help of smelling it with white sage.
  3. One by one, start putting the listed ingredients into the jar: jade, green aventurine, coarse leaf, piece of ginger, thyme, seeds, rice or flour. Remember to do this with good and specific intention. While doing so, you can repeat aloud affirmations that attract money.
  4. On a piece of paper, write down a money-attracting intention, such as Money flows my way or My life is full of abundance. Place the piece of paper with the intention in a jar, and close it with a cap or lid.
  5. Light a candle and say the intention out loud again. Seal the jar closure with wax.
  6. Place the jar with the incantation in a conspicuous place to remind you of the coming influx of cash.

Note: If you feel coldness, insecurity, fear, chaos or negative energy while creating a spell jar, stop work immediately and clear the atmosphere in the room with incense sticks. A spell jar will only work favorably if the person creating it feels comfortable and safe.

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

Spells to attract money using a candle

We can also cast a money spell during a ritual using a candle. However, we must remember that this type of “spell” is not recommended for beginners. Before we get down to rituals using burning candles, we should gain some experience in working with the energy of the universe.

Money ritual with candle and coins


  • green candle,
  • several coins of different denominations,
  • cotton bag,
  • bowl,
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and nutmeg,
  • a silver spoon,
  • a piece of paper and a pen.


  • Light a candle.
  • Put spices in a bowl and mix them with a silver spoon.
  • Think of an intention, preferably including how much money you specifically want to receive. Write your intention on a piece of paper.
  • Put the spices, coins and the piece of paper with the intention into a cotton bag. You can tie it with a red ribbon or a piece of thread.
  • Repeat the intention out loud again and blow out the candle.
  • Carry the pouch with you, for example, in your coat pocket or purse.
    When you manage to accumulate the manifested amount of money, get rid of the spices from the pouch. Express gratitude to the universe, and then burn the card with the intention, using the candle used during the ritual.
  • You can use the coins from the pouch again, for example, for the next ritual ritual.

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